Abu Dhabi taxi users to pay more


Staff Report

Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi users will pay more in the capital as the minimum fare will be Dh12, or $3.25 per trip.
The Abu Dhabi Integrated Transport Centre has announced its plans to revise taxi fares as part of an effort to enhance the quality of its services. The revised rates will come into effect in a month.
There was a starting fee of about Dh4 (different in day and night) for taxis, there was no minimum trip fare in Abu Dhabi before.
It is stated that the new rate will be increased from Dh3.5 to Dh5 for day trips, between 6am and 10pm, and from Dh4 to Dh5.5 at all other times.
So now trips will cost Dh1.82 per kilometre for both day and night trips, an increase from Dh1.60 and 1.69.
And now taxi booking fees will also increase from Dh3 during the day to Dh4 and from Dh4 to Dh5 in the evening. But the waiting time charge per minute will remain at 50 fils for both day and night trips.
Mohammad Darwish Al Qamzi, general manager, Abu Dhabi Integrated Transport Centre, said in a statement, “Despite the hike, taxi fare in Abu Dhabi emirate remains the lowest when compared to top cosmopolitan cities.”
Al Qamzi stressed the importance of pursuing improvements of practices and standards of the taxi sector to bring them to par with the world’s best.
“The revision of the tariff of taxis operating in Abu Dhabi emirate, which has been approved by the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, is part of the efforts to enhance the quality of service provided to taxi riders,” he explained.
“It also supports the technological advancement witnessed by the transport sector in the emirate and contributes to providing services capable of enhancing the satisfaction of taxicab users,” he added.