The UAE News

UAE sets travel conditions from June 23

Emirates airline

Web Report

The UAE has announced three categories of destinations for travel from June 23 and specified conditions for travellers, according to media reports.

Emiratis and residents will be allowed to travel to specific destinations under these categories:

1. Everyone are allowed (low-risk countries)
2. Residents can travel for specific purposes (medium risk countries)
3. No travel (high-risk countries).

The mandatory conditions for travellers:

1. UAE residents/citizens will have to register for the Twajudi service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2. You cannot travel unless you are Covid-negative
3. You must have international health insurance
4. Abide by the precautinary measures at the airport
5. Individuals with temperature more than 38-degree Celsius will be isolated; those with symptoms will not be allowed to travel
6. Travellers will have to fill in a health application and pledge that they will adhere to all requirements, and not travel anywhere else that they haven’t declared
7. If you fall sick in the destination country, you will inform the UAE embassy/consulate there.

Conditions for returning passengers:

1. Wear masks
2. Carry travel file including health status and ID cards
3. Download AlHosn app
4. 14-day Home quarantine (7 days if one is returning from low-risk countries if you belong to the vital sector)
5. If home quarantine is not possible, then opt for hotel quarantine.

Requirements for students

There are additional requirements that apply to students who travel for study, those who travel for medical tourism/treatment, diplomatic missions, and professionals on assignments from the government and private sector. They need to coordinate with their organizations/institutes.

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