The UAE News

UAE Covid-19 cases fall below 2,000

UAE slashes PCR testing price drastially

The UAE News report: The UAE’s efforts to control the spread of Covid-19 cases in the country paved the way as the coronavirus infections fell below 2,000 on Sunday for the first time in more than two months.

The country’s Ministry of Health and Prevention reported 1,992 new cases on March 14. The last time the country had seen cases below the 2,000 mark was on January 5, when 1,967 new cases were reported.

It crossed the 3,000 mark on January 12 (3,243 cases) and almost hit 4,000 on January 27 (3,939); 28 (3,966); and 29 (3,962). Last week, the authorities acknowledged that the UAE was seeing a gradual decrease in the infection rates, as vaccination peaks.

“A positive sign and a step to recovery and resuming normal life, which can be achieved by the cooperation and commitment of all,” the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) had said.

The UAE has offered more than 6.5 million Covid-19 vaccine doses till date. And the country remains poised to reach its ambitious target of vaccinating 50 per cent of the population soon.In the past couple of weeks, the vaccination drive has been progressing steadily while prioritising the vulnerable categories. According to the stats from Our World in Data website, the UAE continues to be second best globally in terms of the cumulative doses administered per 100 people.

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