UAE reports 540 new coronavirus cases, 745 recoveries

UAE Dubai Covid-19

Web Report

The UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention on Sunday announced 540 new cases of Covid-19 infections, and 745 cases of recovery. One death from the infection was also reported. More than 44,000 new Covid-19 tests have also been carried out, the ministry said.

The ministry wished a speedy recovery to all patients, calling on the public to abide by the precautionary measures in place and following all necessary medical advice in order to avoid more infections.

On Saturday, the UAE government announced that its health entities have crossed a new milestone of 2.5 million tests for Covid-19 in the country, which is the highest worldwide. With more recoveries than new cases in the country, the number of active cases in the UAE has declined over the last two days and now stands at 16,932.

The country’s intense focus on testing early, protecting the vulnerable and treating comprehensively has led to a healthy recovery rate of 55 per cent compared with the global average of 48 per cent.

The government continues its efforts to protect all citizens and residents, and has adopted a series of decisions to alleviate the repercussions of this crisis on various pivotal sectors.

This was reflected by the solidarity of the national efforts from day one at all levels to contain them, and the proactive approach to fighting the pandemic as well as expanding the scope of testing nationwide.

Meanwhile, a cutting-edge medical equipment worth Dh3.6 million has been installed at the Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Centre (ADSCC) to help the country’s scientists address some of the most pressing questions about Covid-19. This shall reveal insights about the pandemic from the “patient defence” point of view.

The ministry called upon the public to maintain calm and patience and refrain from circulating rumours, referring to the recent statement regarding enforcement of the law for violators. It also stressed the importance of adhering to preventive measures.