UAE coronavirus cases 1,491, recoveries 1,826

UAE coronavirus cases

The UAE News Report: The UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention on October 23 reported 1,563 UAE coronavirus cases. The ministry also announced 1,704recoveries along with one death.

The new UAE coronavirus cases were identified after conducting additional tests by the ministry and the total tests stand nearly 12.22 million so far.

As of October 24, total UAE coronavirus cases stand at 123,764 with 116,894recoveries. Death toll at 475.

In the World, the UAE is the first country where the number of Covid-19 tests conducted has exceeded its population (among countries with a population of more than one million).

On October 12, it was announced that trials for the Russian adenovirus-based vaccine Sputnik V are set to commence in the country. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) is partnering with Aurugulf Health Investment on the UAE trials of the vaccine, which was developed by the Gamaleya National Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In a major development earlier this week, it was announced that inbound passengers arriving at Dubai International (DXB) and holding residence visas issued in other emirates must have a pre-travel approval. The approval is required from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) to return to the country.

Travelers with UAE residence visas issued in other emirates need ICA approval to return to the country, according to a government official.

Meanwhile, Dubai residence visa holders also required to get a prior approval from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) before coming to the country.

Authorities in UAE issue regular advisories urging people to maintain physical distancing, wear a mask when stepping outside, curbing gatherings and taking special care of vulnerable residents to avoid UAE coronavirus cases.

Earlier on Friday, Dubai Economy reported closing down a shop for overcrowding at its grand opening.

UAE has issued thousands of fines against people and facilities caught flouting Covid-19 safety measures. The violations include hosting gatherings, meetings in private and public places and other kinds of celebrations and not observing physical distancing.

The violators are being monitored in accordance with resolution number 38 of 2020, according to the Police. The resolution covers the implementation of rules related to precautionary measures to limit the spread of UAE COVID-19 cases and keep checking the violations.

The resolution number 38 of 2020 imposes a fine of Dh10,000 on anyone caught organising gatherings or social events like a wedding or party and those attending are fined Dh5,000. All these measures are being taken to stop UAE COVID-19 cases.

Also read: COVID-19 vaccine may be ready by year-end: WHO

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