Covid-19: Oman imposes ban on movement

Oman puts travel ban on India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

The UAE News report: Oman has announced night-time closure of commercial activities and a ban on movement of people and vehicles from 8pm to 5am with effect from Sunday (March 28). The ban will be effective till the morning of April 8.

According to Oman News Agency (ONA), the Supreme Committee of Oman on Covid-19 took note of the alarming daily surge in Covid-19 infection cases, the growing number of patients admitted to hospitals and intensive care units and the unfortunate spike in death cases.

To avoid the worse, the Supreme Committee said it will take a series of tougher and more comprehensive measures that might culminate into lockdown and total ban on movement during the above-mentioned period.

The Supreme Committee has decided to maintain its decision requiring students of government schools to continue learning online till April 8, except Class 12 students, who have to stick to the Blended Learning System.