UAE regional climate dialogue concludes

UAE regional climate change

The UAE News report: The UAE Regional Dialogue for Climate Action concluded on April 4, convening climate leaders from across the MENA region to accelerate progress on climate action.

Participants issued a Group Statement affirming their commitment to ensuring the success of the Paris Agreement, building momentum ahead of US President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate, taking place in Washington, D.C. later this month, and the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26).

The COP26 Presidency welcomed the statement and progress in the region, and reiterated their call for the submission of enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions and net zero commitments ahead of COP26.

The UAE Regional Dialogue for Climate Action provided a constructive platform for participating countries to collaborate in their responses to climate change and increase global climate ambition. The Dialogue also sought to enable the MENA region to discuss ways of initiating a new low carbon development path and enhancing cooperation with the international community to transform the climate challenge into economic opportunity.

Dr. Al Jaber said: “We are all here because we all believe that accelerating climate action is both necessary and a huge opportunity. Coming just weeks before the Leaders Summit on Climate in Washington D.C., today’s gathering could not be more timely. In fact, this principle has driven the UAE’s expansion in clean tech and sustainable development for the last 15 years. We have discovered that these investments simply make good business sense. This view is backed up by market trends and hard facts. Last year, for instance, set a record for newly installed renewable energy capacity at 260 GW. And this was achieved despite the economic headwinds of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our region has enormous potential to contribute to tackling the global challenge of climate change. By coming together, we can maximize our contribution, leverage the latest technologies and focus smart investment to ensure truly sustainable development that facilitates economic growth.”

A Group Statement issued at the end of the Dialogue highlighted the participants’ collective efforts to accelerating climate action, stating “we will work together to ensure the success of the Paris Agreement and will cooperate with our global partners to strengthen climate ambition”.

The Group Statement went on to say that “we are committed to reducing emissions by 2030 and working collectively to help the region adapt to the serious impacts of climate change, to collaborating on mobilizing investment in a new energy economy”. –