UAE reports 275 coronavirus cases, 94 recoveries

UAE coronavirus cases

Web Report

The UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention on Monday reported 275 cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus, along with 94 recoveries. One death was also reported.

More than 71,000 new Covid-19 tests were carried out in the country, taking the total to nearly 6.5 million tests.

The UAE could be at risk of a second wave of the Covid-19 outbreak if residents do not adhere to the strict precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus, a top official has warned.

“The pandemic has not ended. If UAE residents do not adhere to preventive measures, we will be on the verge of a second outbreak,” Obaid Al Hussan Al Shamsi, director-general of the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority, said on Sunday in an interview on Abu Dhabi TV.

The official also said the authorities would consider reintroducing the national sterilisation programme in areas where an outbreak is detected. Following the rise in the number of infections in the past two weeks, health authorities had called on residents not to be complacent.